Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tomorrow is Monday and I get to see Robin...Cohen is so excited!  This weekend I moved Cohen to some stage 2 foods and he broke out in hives on his face....oh no.  I called the doctor and he told me to wait and hold off on starting more of the stage 2 foods.  

We hung out as a family all weekend long, and did nothing but watch movies, cook dinner, run errands and clean the house.  

Oh, and we put our house on the if you know of anyone looking for a house, send them our way.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ed is back!

Ed is back from Vegas and Cohen was excited to see his dad.  Ed was glad to be home too…he had a touch of the flu while he was out there and was ready to be in his own bed. The pups were also excited to see their dad.

Ed was pretty surprised when he saw the new TV I bought while he was gone!  Superbowl here Ed comes.

I booked my flight to Vegas today; I will be gone for 6 days in March…and I am nervous to leave Cohen….not because there isn’t anyone to take care of him….because I am afraid he will forget his mommy.  He is going to spend most of the time with his grandmas because Ed is so busy.

Cohen is sitting up for almost 6-10 seconds!!! How cool.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Waking through the night

For the first time in months, Cohen did not sleep well at night.  It wasn't that he would go to sleep and then wake up crying....I would rock hiim to sleep and put him in his crib and the minute that he touched his mattress.....he would cry.  We finally put him in bed with us and he slept through the night (from 2 am on).  Needless to say, I got no sleep.  

He is still in bed with Eddie right now.  It is crazy being a parent, I just wish I knew what changed last night to make him so upset when I put him in his crib. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wishing daddy good luck in Vegas

Tomorrow Ed leaves for Vegas, everyone wish him luck.  Cohen has a few more hairs on his head today....I think it might be finally growing.  And he is starting to sit up for about 5-10 seconds on his own.