Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Still No Teeth

We are still awaiting Cohen's first tooth....every morning when I get him out of bed, I think that there is going to be a tooth.....but nothing. Grandma said that he had a runny nose again yesterday.....

I told Ed that one day he is going to wake up and he is going to have a full set of teeth.

Cohen has also started to eat yogurt....yummy, yummy! Last night I fed him some of my pork chop and carrots...I swear he will eat anything.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Body Parts are so Funny!!

Our friend Andrea took pictures of Cohen's body parts and we gave them to the grandma's as a gift! Check them all out at http://picasaweb.google.com/CohenThielking/BodyParts?authkey=Gv1sRgCKqs_9m7yeup_QE#

Cohen has the sniffles....poor baby!

This weekend Cohen had his first cough and runny nose battle. I am not sure if it is because he his getting his first tooth or if it is because he caught grandma's cold. He was better when he woke up this morning...you start to feel sorry for him because he can not breathe out of his nose and we all know that he has that thumb in his mouth!

Oh, I got the bubbles from the Easter bunny out during Cohen's bath time and he absolutely is amazed by them...he makes me smile.