Monday, November 30, 2009

Leaving the babies

Ed and I dropped off the dogs today at the pet hotel....they are going to have soooo much fun. Bobbi, the owner, fenced in 1.5 acres for the "big" dogs to run. Tank was happy to see all the other puppies, but Busch whined at the door when we left....poor guy....he is such a mamma's baby. Once he finds out that he can run outside, he will forget that we left him at the pet hotel.

Also, we dropped Cohen off at daycare and I had to fight back the tears...I am going to miss the little guy so much....but I know that Papa and Nana will take good care of him. I could not stop kissing and hugging him. He has his first appointment with the ENT today to find out what we are going to do about the constant ear infections. Luv you Cohen!!!!!

Wish us luck in Vegas! I am sure that I will have great pictures to share when we return.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What a busy November!!

What a great month....Ed and Cohen were busy finding new ways to keep each other entertained.

The Hawkeyes ended a great season. Ed and some friends went to the last game and Cohen and Cael sported their Hawk gear!

We had a great Thanksgiving and got to spend time with family. Click here to see more Thanksgiving pictures.

We have put up our two fake trees (with some help from Rachel) and we brought home our 9' tall and 8' wide, yes 8' feet wide, real tree. Cohen met Santa at the tree farm and was so scared....poor little guy. Click here to see more pictures.
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And Donna was so surprised that she was going to Vegas for her 40th birthday! The four of us leave town tomorrow and we are all excited.